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We are convinced that time and effort are required to make great looking miniatures, therefore we guarantee that when you book a project with us you will get the best value for your money. 

For additional details, placing orders and quotation requests please follow the links below.

Table Top 

We are determined to always provide you with the best value for money. and that  is what Level I is all about.


With this painting level you will receive miniatures painted above a simple tabletop standard. we will make sure to take good care of all the details on the miniature, provide some level of highlighting and shading.


Furthermore, we do not limit the amount of colors to be used in the miniature like other painting services do, we will use all the colors needed to make the miniatures look good and make sure you are happy with the results.


Table Top Plus

Is all about taking you minis to a level rarely seen on the tabletop.

This level provides more depth to the miniature, making it pop out of the tabletop. We recommend choosing this level for Heroes and Center Piece models.

We will put a lot more time and effort to make sure highlights, shadows and transitions are well blend together. In addition we will do basic OSL and lightning

This level is recommended for monsters and heroes.

Display Quality

We are talking about the best the studio has to offer. I will put an enormous amount of hours and effort into your mini and will make sure not to spare any resources to guarantee the quality of the model.

This level includes OSL, and other types of lightning as well as basic NMM and Freehand if desired.

I will also add additional texture to skin, weapons and gear. 

Miniatures painted to this level have won different prices over the years. Only small units, heroes and monsters are accepted at this level.

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